December 3, 2021 IN: News
The Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act (IIJA) allocates $51 billion to drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure grant programs. Signed into law on November 15, 2021, this historic bill provides tremendous investment to the nation’s infrastructure by funneling resources into the local communities that need it.
The Act is secured in part by the recent $1.75 trillion Budget Reconciliation package, which also provides funding for water infrastructure. The IIJA is the largest federally funded boost in decades for local water infrastructure. Much of the funding to grant programs will be portioned out over the next few years, beginning in the fiscal year 2022 budget.
Two programs getting a hefty dose of funding include the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) and the Drinking Water SRF, who will each receive $11.7 billion. The Drinking Water SRF will also receive an additional $15 billion in the form of loans and grants to be used for lead service line replacement. The Clean Water SRF will receive an additional $1 billion in grants to address contaminants.
Some other programs to receive aid are the Wastewater Energy Efficiency Grant Pilot Program ($100 million), the Clean Water Infrastructure and Resiliency and Sustainability Grant Program ($125 million), and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Sewer Overflow and Stormwater Reuse Municipal Grant Program ($1.4 billion). The Drinking Water SRF will receive $4 billion to address PFAS in drinking water.
The new Infrastructure & Investment Jobs Act will go a long way in assisting drinking water and wastewater infrastructure projects. McCrone | Hartwell is here to assist clients with planning, design, and construction management. Contact us to learn how our water and wastewater engineering services can support your next project.