March 8, 2016 IN: News
Dan Speakman, Engineer in McCrone's Elkton office, has been volunteering with the Cecil County Watershed Stewards Academy (WSA).
The Cecil County WSA is a partnership between the County Department of Public Works and University of Maryland Sea Grant Extension. This program trains and supports community leaders in Maryland to serve as Master Watershed Stewards in the protection, restoration, and conservation of local watersheds by reducing the negative impacts of stormwater runoff into local rivers and streams. Some of the projects completed by WSA students include work on a pavilion at the County Administration Building in Elkton, MD, where they installed gutters, downspouts, and rain barrels. The group also constructed a micro-bioretention facility that will be used to treat stormwater runoff from a portion of the parking lot.
Currently, Mr. Speakman is working with two WSA graduates and the Elk & North East Rivers Watershed Association (ENERWA) on a similar micro-bioretention project for the North East Town Hall parking lot, which will be completed this spring. Funding for the project was obtained through a Chesapeake Bay Trust grant.
Dan is very passionate about water resources and its preservation. In addition to sharing his time, talent and knowledge with interested students and other community volunteers, Mr. Speakman teaches classes on hydrology and soils at WSA. He also volunteers with Project Clean Stream. This program is affiliated with the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay and coordinates site cleanups around Maryland for the preservation of the Chesapeake Bay. On a recent outing, the Project Clean Stream Team filled an entire pickup truck with trash and debris that were polluting a stream.
Through Dan’s stewardship and example, he is helping to protect, preserve and enhance watershed areas for the future. His generosity of time, spirit and knowledge is making a positive difference and impact in this community. If you are interested in learning more about these projects and/or how you can get involved, contact McCrone or the links below: